Baggage Scanner

Faster, safer, scalable, cost effective
Micro-X’s NEX Technology and multi-tube imaging chain opens the way for the creation of the next generation of CT baggage scanner.

With funding from the US Department of Homeland Security, Micro-X is developing a new small and modular CT scanner for security, uniquely designed for a passenger self-screening checkpoint with applications to a wide range of other security checkpoints.

Fast and high-quality 3D CT imaging

Funded under a contract with the Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Screening at Speed’ Program, the Baggage CT Scanner uses Micro-X’s NEX Technology with multiple X-ray tubes controlled by switching electronics to provide fast and high-quality 3D imaging.

Automated threat detection

Micro-X is developing automated threat detection to ensure that the highest levels of airport security are sustained with the smaller modular CT scanner. Integrated into a self-screening checkpoint, this automation could help passengers to move through security faster while increasing their safety.

Intuitive design

Micro-X’s Baggage CT is designed to be easily used as a self-service module, with minimal support required. Its simple touch screen instructions and workflow are easily understood, keeping passengers moving through security checkpoints quickly and efficiently.

Stay in the bag

Micro-X’s Baggage CT is configured to allow passengers to leave large electronics and liquids in the bag, reducing time at the checkpoint and moving passengers into airport retail spaces faster.

Broad application

The Baggage CT Scanner’s compact design is transportable and scalable, with future applications going beyond airport security to meet the needs of police and security teams that require fast and accurate CT baggage screening at secure sites and events.

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