
Faster, safer, scalable, and passenger experience focused
Micro-X’s NEX Technology and Small Modular CT Baggage Scanner is opening the way for the next generation of airport passenger security screening.

With funding from the US Department of Homeland Security, Micro-X is developing a  complete modular passenger self-screening checkpoint for airports.

Grow with global demand

With a modular design that fits the footprint of existing security checkpoints, Micro-X’s passenger checkpoint can scale to fit the need. More than 2 million people pass through US airport security every day and global travel is predicted to increase by 3.3% year on year to 9.4 billion passenger journeys per year by 2024.

Passenger experience centered

Self-screening gives passengers the ability to quickly clear security with limited aid of an officer. This reimagines how airport security works, with a focus on improving passenger experiences by enabling a passenger to screen at their own pace and take an active role in the screening process. Importantly, the modular design allows for the flow of travellers to continue uninterrupted by alarms from other passengers, increasing passenger throughput.

Next generation security technology

Micro-X is the prime contractor for this Department of Homeland Security project through its Screening at Speed program.  Micro-X is partnering with world-leading technology companies to deliver next generation millimeter wave body scan, and automated threat detection. The core technology enabling the Checkpoint is the Micro-X Baggage CT Scanner – a next generation modular CT scanner that enables the re-design of a checkpoint to make it modular and more passenger-friendly.

Reduced operational costs

By reducing the need for one-on-one interaction with security officials and increasing efficiency, our system is designed to deliver operational savings, while helping passengers to move to the secure areas of airports at greater speed.

Global recognition

The Micro-X Checkpoint has gained global recognition as a future airport checkpoint solution, with coverage in premier publications including Forbes Magazine and CNET.


Micro-X’s Checkpoint considers inclusive design principles, including ensuring sufficient space for those with assistive mobility products. While the Checkpoint has been designed as self-service, operators will remain nearby and available to answer questions, provide support and rectify alerts relating to medical devices.

Parents with children (up to 3 people) can be accommodated in a Checkpoint module, providing a safe, secure and easy to navigate space for families who are travelling.

The Micro-X Checkpoint is designed to be self-service, delivering an efficient and enjoyable passenger experience, while ensuring stringent security checks remain in place. 3D CT imaging using automated threat detection delivers next generation security while reducing the frequency of false alerts.

The Micro-X Checkpoint is designed to fit 8 modules within the current footprint of an airport security checkpoint lane. They are a modular design, allowing for scalability depending on passenger throughput needs with multiple pods reducing disruption to flow while alerts are investigated. This allows for easy incorporation into existing security spaces while giving flexibility to meet the different set ups in individual airports.

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