
Micro-X Legal Notices

General Information:

The Micro-X website is mainly intended for general information purposes and should only be used as such. Although Micro-X makes an effort to offer information which is carefully selected and recent, this website should not be used as a substitute for any kind of specific professional advice where needed. No warranty nor representation, express or implied, is given as to the accuracy, relevancy, or completeness of the offered information, nor as to the suitability of the information for a certain purpose.

Availability of Products:

The site contains information about products which may or may not be available in any particular country, and if applicable, may have received approval or market clearance by a governmental regulatory body for different indications and restrictions in different countries or may be for investigational use only. Each country has specific laws, regulations and medical practices governing the communication of medical or other information about medical products on the Internet. Nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation or promotion for any product or for an indication for any product which is not authorized by the laws and regulations of the country where the reader resides.


Micro-X and any other trademarks, service marks, trade names or logos displayed on this website are the property of Micro-X Ltd, its affiliates or other third parties. Nothing contained in this legal notice nor in any text on this website shall be construed as granting by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any of the trademarks, service marks, trade names or logos appearing on the website without the express prior written consent of their respective owner.

Micro-X’s Comprehensive Ethics & Compliance Program:

Micro-X is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all of our business dealings. Micro-X’s Comprehensive Compliance Program is guided by our commitment to the AdvaMed cornerstone values of innovation, education, integrity, respect, responsibility, and transparency. We act upon these values in everything we do by conducting our business in accordance with our North American Sales and Marketing Code of Conduct (the “Code”) that sets forth standards of conduct for our interactions with healthcare professionals (“HCPs”), healthcare institutions, government officials, and sales intermediaries in the United States and Canada. This Code is specifically designed to help Micro-X employees, temporary staff, and agents (“Company Personnel”) comply with applicable anti-kickback, anti-bribery, product labelling, sunshine reporting, and marketing laws as well as the AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with U.S. Health Care Professionals. Substantially similar to the PhRMA Code referenced in California Health and Safety Code § 119402, the AdvaMed Code addresses potential risk areas that apply to the unique environment of the medical device industry.

It is our expectation that employees will act with honesty and integrity at all times and comply with the Code and all applicable laws and regulations while conducting company business. To ensure employees understand Code requirements, we provide additional guidance to employees through training, education and additional policies and procedures. We have also implemented internal controls consistent with the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General Compliance Program Guidance for the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supply Industry. These controls ensure that we maintain appropriate oversight of our interactions with HCPs, healthcare institutions, government officials, and sales intermediaries that include, but are not limited to, auditing and monitoring protocols and strict limits on gifts, travel, lodging, training, samples, consulting arrangements, evaluation products, and meals that can be provided to HCPs and healthcare institutions.

Micro-X’s Annual Declaration of Compliance for Purposes of California Health & Safety Code §§ 119400 – 119402:

Micro-X Health, Inc. has implemented a Comprehensive Compliance Program in accordance with the requirements of California Health & Safety Code §§ 119400 – 119402. As of April 2024, Micro-X hereby declares in good faith that it is, in all material respects, in compliance with its Comprehensive Compliance Program and the requirements of the California Health & Safety Code. Unless otherwise stated, this annual declaration is effective as of January 1st through December 31st of each year (the “Declaration Period”.)

Micro-X’s Ethics & Compliance program will be assessed on an annual basis to ensure it meets all statutory requirements. Please contact us at or +61 8 7099 3966 to request a more detailed description of our Comprehensive Compliance Program or a copy of this compliance declaration.

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